Stephen R. Green

Stephen R. Green

UKRI Future Leaders Fellow

University of Nottingham -- School of Mathematical Sciences


I am a researcher in gravitational waves at the University of Nottingham in the School of Mathematical Sciences. My current interests are in black hole perturbation theory and machine-learning methods for data analysis. I was recently awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship to develop AI / simulation-based inference methods for gravitational waves.

I grew up in Toronto, Canada, where I attended the University of Toronto. I obtained my PhD in physics at the University of Chicago under Robert Wald, where I studied effects of general relativity in cosmology and debunked the idea that small scale structure could drive cosmological acceleration and mimic dark energy. I then moved to the University of Guelph and Perimeter Institute, where I studied turbulence in gravitational waves and black hole superradiant instabilities. I then spent five years at the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam, where I became a member of LIGO and worked on gravitational waves.


  • Gravitational Waves
  • Black Holes
  • Machine Learning


  • PhD in Physics, 2012

    University of Chicago

  • SM in Physical Sciences, 2006

    University of Chicago

  • BSc in Mathematics and Physics, 2005

    University of Toronto



Nottingham Research Fellowship

University of Nottingham – School of Mathematical Sciences

Nov 2022 – Present Nottingham, UK
Three-year fellowship linked to a permanent faculty position
Includes £25,000 / year in research funding

Senior Scientist

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics

Jul 2021 – Oct 2022 Potsdam, Germany

Postdoc / Junior Scientist

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics

Sep 2017 – Jul 2021 Potsdam, Germany

Postdoctoral Fellow

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Sep 2014 – Aug 2017 Waterloo, Canada

CITA National Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Guelph

Sep 2012 – Aug 2014 Guelph, Canada


Machine Learning for Compact Binaries

Use probabilistic deep learning to infer source properties from gravitational-wave detector data.

Black Hole Perturbation Theory

Develop new methods for nonlinear perturbations of the Kerr spacetime and make predictions for extreme mass-ratio inspirals for LISA.

Superradiant Instability

When can fields extract mass from black holes and drive instabilities? What is the endpoint?

Spacetime Turbulence

What happens when gravitational waves are confined by spacetime geometry so that nonlinear interactions take hold? What is the end point of the AdS instability?

Averaging in Cosmology

Can cumulative relativistic effects of small scale structure mimic Dark Energy?
